Can you mix aloe vera gel with any other sunscreen?
You can mix aloe vera gel with sunscreen. BUT (it's a big But) it probably won't provide you "better" sun protection than using sunscreen alone. Here's why.Sunscreens come in a lot of different types of products (oils, sticks, gels, creams, lotions). So depending on the type of sunscreen, aloe vera "gel" may not mix well with the sunscreen you have and you could end up with a glob of goo on your skin that offers little to no sun protection. Sunscreens can be classified as "chemical" or "physical
Sep 4th 2019
Aloe Vera is not just for burns or psoriasis anymore. Its antioxidant properties containing vitamins A,C, and E aid in repairing cell damage. Aloe Vera also has enzymes that aid in digestion. Unfortunately Aloe Vera has also been known to degrade over a short period of time that the benefits have not been very effective. That is of course, until now. Manufacturers have found a way to make aloe vera readily available while maintaining freshness. Are you a critic or a believer? Check out Alo!
May 10th 2018
What is the use of aloe vera? Is it a flower?
We all love to write and share the knowledge for others to read and learn so we decided to share this with the subscribers on Please take a look at our comment on Aloe vera when someone asked, "What is the use of aloe vera? Is it a flower?" Shop Aloe or aloe vera from our store!Disclaimer: You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a he
Feb 26th 2018