Can you mix aloe vera gel with any other sunscreen?
You can mix aloe vera gel with sunscreen. BUT (it's a big But) it probably won't provide you "better" sun protection than using sunscreen alone. Here's why.Sunscreens come in a lot of different types of products (oils, sticks, gels, creams, lotions). So depending on the type of sunscreen, aloe vera "gel" may not mix well with the sunscreen you have and you could end up with a glob of goo on your skin that offers little to no sun protection. Sunscreens can be classified as "chemical" or "physical
Sep 4th 2019
Yoga: What You Need To Know
What is yoga and how does it work?
Yoga is an ancient and complex practice, rooted in Indian philosophy. It began as a spiritual practice but has become popular as a way of promoting physical and mental well-being.
Although classical yoga also includes other elements, yoga as practiced in the United States typically emphasizes physical postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation (dyana). Popular yoga styles such as iyengar, bikram, and hatha yoga focus on these e
Aug 30th 2019
Period Problems
Fibroids, Endometriosis, and Other IssuesGetting your period is a fact of life for most women. But every woman’s period is different. So how do you know if yours is causing problems that it shouldn’t?Many girls and women get cramps, low back pain, fatigue, or discomfort with their periods. But some have pain so bad they miss days of work or school every month. Others experience such heavy bleeding that it exhausts them.These are things that may signal a bigger issue. But some women find talking
Aug 24th 2019
Hepatitis C and Dietary Supplements
About Hepatitis CHepatitis C is a liver disease caused by a virus. It’s usually chronic (long-lasting), but most people don’t have any symptoms until the virus causes liver damage, which can take 10 or more years to happen. Without medical treatment, chronic hepatitis C can eventually cause liver cancer or liver failure. Hepatitis C is usually treated with a combination of medicines. Hepatitis C virus is contagious. People usually get the virus through contact with blood from a person who’s alre
Aug 17th 2019
Crunch A Mame
Plant-based protein foods have taken on a new wave of healthier eating. Protein plant foods like quinoa, chickpeas, lentils, edamame and tofu have some of the highest protein content around you can find.Edamame in particular which means "beans on a branch" in Japanese offer both taste and high protein content. Just one cup of cooked Edamame would yield 17 grams of protein. If we tell you that you can snack on protein food, would you do it?We found a snack that offer you the best of of both world
Jul 15th 2019