Do You Know What Today Is?
Hey There! Now that Summer is in full swing, we all could use some downtime - to relax and just take the time doing the things we love. I know for many people it's not always easy to slow things down when everybody else is moving at a rapid pace. With work deadlines looming and fewer people working at the office, taking time to relax becomes a forgone conclusion. However, none of this matters when we don't keep our priorities in order or our goals in check to succeed. As Robert Collier puts it,
Jul 15th 2021
Heads Up! Don't Miss Our July 4th Sitewide Sale!
Hey, There! Guess what? We've passed the halfway mark this year! We've been through so much this past 6 months that all I can think of doing for the remainder of the year is take as many naps I can! This hot, humid weather is not helping either and I bet our 2 dogs won't even want to be outside in this weather. Hmm, talking about the "Dog Days of Summer" and why people call it such. Check out this article on why - starting today - it's called the "Dog Days of Summer! To all you pet parents that
Jul 3rd 2021
Thinking About Buying a Home?
Hi Everyone!I hope you all had a restful and fun week. Are you liking this hot, Summer weather we're having lately? This heatwave happening across much of the US has probably kept many people indoors including those of us here in the Midwest. And, that probably doesn't help our electric bill either! That's okay, we'll weather thru the heatwave to stay cool.As you all know by now, businesses, amusement parks, music, and sports venues have all started to re-open. This last week, the highway I alwa
Jun 26th 2021
Health Facts: Dreams and IQ
Jun 24th 2021
Let's Celebrate National No Dirty Dishes Day!
Here's a trivia for you...What's the one thing you hate to see the most when you come home from work? It's probably not the dog or cat. And, I hope it's not your spouse either! Although, the latter one might be true for some of you :) In our household, we all get along well but when it comes to dirty dishes piling up on the kitchen sink, it's a whole new story. No one minds using a clean bowl for cereal or a set of plates and utensils to eat your lunch with, but cleaning after seems to be the mo
May 18th 2021