What's on the Nutrition Facts Label?

In May of 2016, the United States FDA made major changes to the decades-old Nutrition Facts label to provide consumers with current scientific information, guidelines, and opinions from research groups and consumers. 

These changes include listing the required nutrients, an updated serving size requirements and a new updated design that are meant to make it easier for consumers to understand the food they eat. 

The Nutrition Facts label below shows the "before" (left photo) and "after" (right photo) changes. 

If you noticed the current Nutrition Facts label now shows "Added Sugars". The FDA included this information after studies done by the American Heart Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, Institute of Medicine and the World Health Organization that shows the importance of reducing your intake of added sugars as part of a healthy diet. 

The FDA guidelines suggest that Americans should limit their "Added Sugar" intake to no more than 10 percent. 

Let's Talk Serving Sizes

As you can see, the serving sizes have changed. This is because the previous serving size requirements were based on 1993 recommendations. Since then, American's eating habits have changed and more research studies have come out to reflect the changing times. 

As consumers, Serving Sizes are important as it will help us decide how much or less we eat. We all know that a serving size can vary depending on your needs, body size, etc. 

The FDA finds that by including the Serving Size, it will tell consumers the actual amount that you and I eat. For example, a serving size of 2/3 cup means that this is the typical amount that people eat. This amount is NOT the amount you should eat because the FDA doesn't tell you the appropriate amount you should be eating.

In essence, the FDA's current Serving Size shows us what we actually eat.

Source: FDA


Oct 28th 2018 PhenomStores.com

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