Today is National Peanut Cluster Day!

March 8, 2022

National Peanut Cluster Day

Who knew that peanuts and chocolate go well together? It wasn't until 1912 when Howell Campbell, owner of Standard Candy Company, came up with a clump of caramel, marshmallow, roasted peanuts, and milk chocolate all mixed in together to what now is known today as peanut cluster.

The peanut cluster was also the first chocolate candy in its time to combine different ingredients like peanuts. And over the years, the crunchy texture of peanuts and the delectable taste of chocolate has garnered a huge following in the candy world. Soon after, every chocolate candy manufacturer started making their peanut cluster-style candies.

For example, Mars an American candy company, known for making chocolate candies has sold $2 billion worth of Snickers worldwide in 2004. That's a whole lot of sweet gooeyness in just under a century in the making.

To delight your sweet tooth, come check out our huge selection of chocolate candies. Remember, nothing else matters when it comes to a bite of chocolate.   

Mar 8th 2022 Tom Shannon

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