Today is National No Housework Day

April 7, 2022

National No Housework Day

If you're looking for a reason to avoid any housework like laundry or cleaning floors, or maybe just checking off your to-do list to get stuff done... Well, today's the day to do just that. April 7 is National No Housework Day created by Thomas and Ruth Roy for all the folks that need a holiday from housework. 

Imagine what one day free from housework would do? Here are some ideas. 

1. Read a book you always wanted to read but never had the time. 

2. Take the pup out for a walk in the park. 

3. Treat yourself to a day at the spa, massage, or hair/nail salon. 

4. Eat at a nice restaurant but if that's too much, go with take-out meals so you don't have to prepare meals. 

5. Go to the movie theater or watch streaming movies. 

6. Call up some friends or family on a relaxing day trip or stroll across town. 

We don't always know what to do with our time, but these easy and simple things can give you much-deserved time off from the daily grind of household chores.

Apr 7th 2022 Tom Shannon

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