Today is National Cocktail Day
March 24, 2022
National Cocktail Day
If you're going to a friend's cocktail party, you'll more likely find yourself drinking some type of spirit mixed drink containing alcohol, and flavorings such as fruit juice, cream, syrup, or bitters. And if you're someone that gets excited with anything that has alcohol in it, the addition of sweet-tasting fruit like pineapple or orange can make any alcohol more gratifying.
Now, everyone's taste preference is different and what works for you may not be all that pleasing to everyone else at the party table. That said, the myriad choice of cocktails available is only limited to one's imagination.
In the bygone days, the very mention of a cocktail as a beverage appeared in The Farmers Cabinet of 1803 in the United States. Decades later in 1862, an American bartender by the name of Jerry Thomas published a guide called How to Mix Drinks or The Bon Vivant's Companion which included 10 cocktail recipes using bitters.
However, the catalyst that propelled the adoption of cocktails didn't happen until 1917 when Mrs. Julius S. Walsh Jr of St. Louis, Missouri coined the term "cocktail party" that brought people together using liquor and mixtures as a means to connect, socialize and enjoy each other's company. Then after, the rest is history. The cocktail party and drink that once started with a small group of people is now widely celebrated and sold at every bar and restaurant around the globe.
Go ahead and have a cocktail drink today. And, remember those good times and friends we met that created the memories to last a lifetime.
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