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just what IS a popchip anyway?

this existential question has baffled snackers for eons. and by eons we mean like 2 or 3 years. after all, when is the last time YOU popped a potato? lucky for us it's simple really. it all starts with our hero...

the potato...

every potato travels toward its destiny. but life as a spud can be unpredictable.

too many potatoes are forced into the fryer - the most barbaric of endings - only to become a greasy chip.

we keep our potatoes out of the deep fryer. instead, we heat them in a pressurized chamber and then quickly release them. their first breath of fresh air is a... POP

we give our un-fried chips a dash of the good high oleic oils. then we massage them with our favorite spices and seasonings - voila! a chip that has all the flavor, and half the fat.

we believe in the freedom to snack. that’s why we created a new chip. one that’s deeply satisfying but never deep fried. so you can feel free to eat one, two, three handfuls, or even a whole bag. and why not? it’s okay, they’re popchips!

Jun 14th 2020 PhenomStores.com

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