Crunch A Mame

Crunch A Mame

Plant-based protein foods have taken on a new wave of healthier eating. Protein plant foods like quinoa, chickpeas, lentils, edamame and tofu have some of the highest protein content around you can find.

Edamame in particular which means "beans on a branch" in Japanese offer both taste and high protein content. Just one cup of cooked Edamame would yield 17 grams of protein. If we tell you that you can snack on protein food, would you do it?

We found a snack that offer you the best of of both worlds - great tasting and high in protein and fiber. Check out Cruncha ma me edamame snacks. These snacks are 100% all-natural edamame that's free of gluten, dairy and nuts.

Finally, a snack that makes you feel good about snacking!

Jul 15th 2019

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